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    Home > Members > Points
    Scores | Unsubscribe

    103550Your account is never deleted.
    92950Speaking skills (can be used once). [Learn more]
    82350You can add an audio file to your account [Learn more]
    71850You can receive an email when your message is read. [Learn more]
    61350Your account is kept for 195 days (instead of 120) [Learn more]
    5850 You can upload your own images (for your messages, your tests, your messages on the forum) [Learn more]
    4350Exclusive Smileys (#1) in the chat rooms [Learn more]
    3200You can customise your sheet (# 1) [Learn more]
    250Exclusive smileys (# 1) when you send a message [Learn more]
    10You've just created your account

    10 points are required to access chat rooms.

    How can I win points?

    1 point/dayYou visit 6 pages of the site
    The point is given by 02:00 am (French time) on the next day.
    10%Someone opens a new account. [Learn more]
    100You've seen our sites in a magazine or a newspaper. [Learn more]
    120You've just created a big test with a full lesson and at least 10 questions. [Learn more]
    90You've just created a big test with a quick lesson and at least 10 questions. [Learn more]
    60You've just created a small test with no lesson but at least 10 questions. [Learn more]
    40You've just created a very small test with no lesson and < 10 questions (or: find mistakes/build sentences). [Learn more]

    Report a bug:
    5 points / report (even if there are several errors):
    - spelling/grammar mistake
    - broken image

    To get the point, you must use the form "report a bug" on the left or just after taking a test (before the mark). Please do not report errors on the forum.

    - You've created a new topic containing an exercise, you correct this exercise and 8+ members have posted their answers = 150 pts.
    - You've helped a lot of members during the month = 100 pts.
    These points are given on the first days of the following month.